Tayyip and Kutsal, Husband and Wife

Educator, painter, and photographer Tayyip Yılmaz, who grew up in Edirne and contributed to culture and art in our city, continues to produce at the age of 88. While telling the story of Tayyip Yılmaz, we saw that his wife, Kutsal Yılmaz, had a big share in his success. As in the life story of many male artists worldwide, there was a woman who "supported" this valuable artist of our city behind. This supportive role was fully adopted and internalized.

After starting taking photos of Mr. and Mrs. Yilmaz, we met them out of their house though it was rare. We have entered their homes many times, but we have never been able to take their photos in their daily clothes. Because of their upbringing, they did not want to meet us in their daily clothes ever. They were always clothed in their most elegant styles.